Thursday, November 22, 2007

Social Networks

I am really not a fan of social networks, never have, and probably never will. Then why would I join facebook? Why not Myspace? Or some other Social Network that you have so many friends half of them you havent seen in like 5 years. I guess I chose facebook because I thought it was safer, but that is probably not true. In fact, I really dont know very much about this subject at all. I do like some things that have to do with them, like the fact that you can socailize with people from all over the world. Share pictures, quizzes, etc. For me it is like everyone is in one room, which probably sounds really weird. I dont think that this could really be used for anything but your personal life becuase it would get too addicting or distracting. I am sure one day that they would make a social network that would help teachers in the future, but I dont think that would happen for a very long time.

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